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Autopage Editor
KyTek's Autopage® 8.3 for QuarkXPress 2017
Autopage for QuarkXPress 2017 is shipping now.
Autopage is the most powerful family of QuarkXTensions for the automated page layout of books, textbooks, encyclopedias, directories and yellow pages.
Autopage is one of a family of XTensions to QuarkXPress that automate the layout of trade books, textbooks, journals, encyclopedias, directories and yellow pages. Autopage automatically places art, tables, footnotes, margin notes and margin art, producing visually balanced page spreads while eliminating orphans and widows.
Tinted layouts, embedded sub-article Classic Dark Theme
The screen shot of the Autopage generated first sample page spread is taken with QuarkXPress' Classic Dark theme showing the Autopage palette assuming the attributes of that theme.
The text box at the top of the right page is selected and the palette shows it is a tagged element (T 86) and a sidebar (subpag). The palette shows the article consists of two separate story chains, the page width headings followed by the three column layout. This is seen beside the Story label being Next indicating the two are linked via Autopage.
Art placement rules
The three column layout includes a reference to a piece of art with a runaround that is wider than a single column requiring Autopage to run the text around the art while still balancing the columns. The Autopage reference tag to that piece of art is seen as the red caret in the last column while the art is placed starting in the prior column and running into the last column. The Art and Table Placement dialog indicates under the Horizontal Placement heading that Multi-column before ref. ok as typically art is placed after it's reference. The art placement options provide you with control over how art and table elements are placed.
The sidebar is tinted with a library element that Autopage extracts and places behind the entire sidebar. The sidebar continues to the next page where Autopage continues the column balancing and library tint.
The left page shows the single column layout at the top where the red caret references the sidebar placed on the facing page. That layout is followed by a tinted single column layout followed by a differently tinted two column layout where Autopage has balanced the columns and placed a white vertical rule between the columns. The page continues with the single column layout.
Footnotes splitting between pages Light Gray Theme
The second screen shot of the Autopage generated consecutive page spreads is taken with QuarkXPress' Light Gray theme showing the Autopage palette assuming the attributes of that theme.
Footnote placement rules
This shows Autopage handling of footnotes including footnotes splitting between pages. A note splits from the bottom of the right page of the top spread to the next page and another note splits from the left page of the bottom spread to the right page of that spread.
The Footnote Placement / Line Numbering dialog shows that Footnote Splitting is allowed as Allow Footnotes to Split is checked. That dialog shows many of the other rules for controlling footnote placement.
Page depth rules
The palette shows the measurement from the Top Margin of the page to the last line of the footnote on the bottom of the left page of the upper spread where the text cursor is placed. Note that the Page Depth dialog above showing the Optimum page depth displays the same value 500.435pt. In this case every spread is run to the same depth but the dialog offers the option of varying depths between spreads to aid in eliminating orphans and widows and solving other layout problems.
Art and runaound art Classic Theme
The third screen shot of an Autopage generated page spread is taken with QuarkXPress' Classic theme showing the Autopage palette assuming the attributes of that theme.
Paragraph spacing rules
This spread has two pieces of floating art. One has a runaround and is placed at the upper outside of the left page. The other is wider than the single column text width and is placed at the bottom of the right page. It is aligned to the inside of page as indicated in the palette where Align is selected Inside when the caption box associated with the group is selected as in this screen shot.
The Paragraph VSB Values dialog shows the variable spacing H1 and H2 allowed above the heads on the left and right pages respectively. VSB is short for Vertical Space Band and is one of the methods used to balance pages on a spread.
Tinted layouts, sidenotes, inline art and floating art Gray Theme
The last screen shot of an Autopage generated page spread is taken with QuarkXPress' Gray theme showing the Autopage palette assuming the attributes of that theme.
Sidenote placement rules Alignment rules
Alignment rules
This spread includes an Autopage generated tinted single column layout at the top of the left page, a variety of anchored elements within the single column layout, sidenotes placed to the outside of the right page and a floating table placed at the bottom of the right page.
The Side Element Placement dialog shows the Side element offset from margin (right page). The Horizontal Alignment dialog shows the Sidenotes alignment as Outside so the notes are placed on the right side of a right page.
The Top of Column Alignment dialog shows the Align baselines at top of column is checked and First baseline has value of 6.83pts. This causes the top line on each page to be placed 6.83 points below the top margin (ie the box top is adjusted to achieve this) rather than the default optical top alignment where the box tops fall at the top margin and initial baselines fall based on the height of the text.
Autopage is One of a Kind
Autopage is the only automated page layout XTension for QuarkXPress for producing books, textbooks, directories and yellow pages. It does not require a special viewer XTension to view, edit or print the QuarkXPress documents it creates. It creates easy to edit documents with text boxes linked naturally and spacing adjustments made in the paragraph formats dialog where they are easily accessed and modified whether or not Autopage is loaded. It is compatible with all popular XTensions used in book production for importing tagged text, placing running heads and creating tables and math equations.
KyTek is the leading developer of XTensions that automate the layout of book, directory and yellow pages with QuarkXPress.
KyTek, Inc.
PO Box 338
Weare, NH 03281
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