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KyTek releases Autopage® 8
and XMLxt 7 for QuarkXPress
Autopage is the most powerful family of QuarkXTensions for the automated page layout of books, textbooks, encyclopedias, directories and yellow pages.
For Immediate Release: March 2, 2007
Weare, NH: KyTek announces the release of Autopage 8 and XMLxt 7. Autopage is one of a family of XTensions to QuarkXPress that automate the layout of trade books, textbooks, journals, encyclopedias, directories and yellow pages. Autopage automatically places art, tables, footnotes, margin notes and margin art, producing visually balanced page spreads while eliminating orphans and widows.
Runaround art
Autopage 8 supports text running around art placed at the side of the page. Runarounds are applied with standard QuarkXPress features. Any type of runaround is supported. Controls are included to inset art into text or outset it from the text for up to three types of runaround art per document.
The main text flow is running around each if the three figures on this spread. Figure captions are automatically located to the outside of the page and placed beneath the figure when the figure is at the top of the page and above the figure when at the bottom the page.
XML Integration
Optional functionality allows conversion of XML to Xtags for automatic import into a QuarkXPress document via user controlled XSL transforms.
XML can include cross reference tags identifying page numbers resolved by XMLxt once pagination is complete. When the new page number references replace the original any paragraph depth variation that occurs is automatically adjusted via kerning and tracking so as to maintain page breaks.
When page construction is complete the document can be exported as an XML file capturing any content changes made and optionally with page start XML tags and art description XML tags inserted.
Automatic Construction of Sidebars
Autopage now supports the automatic construction of sidebars, or sub-pagination elements. Sidebars are miniature documents within a document that are paginated independently and placed on consecutive pages at the point they are referenced in the main document.
Sidebars may contain layout variations, art, tables, footnotes, in fact any elements supported by Autopage.
The new Autopage tint feature allows tints to be placed behind multi-column layouts.
Autopage paginates the sidebar on each page including straddle heads, balancing multi-column layouts and placing art callouts with varying tints applied behind behind both single and multi-column layouts and then each sidebar is placed based on a callout in the main text.
Enhanced Art Placement Functions
New functionality allows art placement to be forced prior to sections of the document such as the end matter of a chapter. Similarly art placement can be disabled within ranges of a document so as to maintain the integrity of a range of content.
Enhanced Text Placement Functions
Paragraphs in multi-column layouts containing references to inline art that spans the full width of the page can be automatically converted to a full page width straddle layout to match the width of the element they refer to.
Rounded corner (spline) text boxes are supported.
The Autopage palette displays cursor horizontal position in document units.
Side by Side Text Alignment
Autopage now integrates annotated text and multi-lingual text into a document flow as side by side columns. Each column contains matching vertical alignment tags identifying points that are to be at the same vertical position on the page or simply on the same page. Autopage then adjusts the vertical spacing between the paragraphs in each column so the specified points in the text align with each other across the columns.
This allows a speech to run in the left column while the annotations are placed in the right column or for English to run in the left column while a French translation runs in the right.
Annotated side by side speech breaking from left to right page. The side by side text is itself part of a sidebar beginning with two straddle heads, followed by balanced two column text and then the annotated speech. The sidebar is paginated by Autopage and placed on consecutive pages when referenced in the main text.
XPressMath Integration
Autopage and XMLxt integrate Quark XPressMath into a seamless workflow. Tagged XPressMath equations are imported as part of the document content, converted to display form and aligned by XMLxt based on XML tags. Equations that are detected as being too wide for the main text are automatically extracted to a full page width box and tagged as inline art.
Table Construction and Splitting
The optional XML to Xtags conversion includes constructing QuarkXPress tables from standard CALS markup. Floating tables are automatically split and placed on sequential pages when referenced and inline tables are dynamically split during the pagination process with orphan/widow control. Table headers and footers are supported and carried across split tables.
Floating tables built automatically from CALS tagged content, XPressMath equations automatically imported by Autopage and aligned by XMLxt, and text running around art.
Sample spread with art runaround at top of both pages, layout variation to straddle head, balance two column text and back to straddle head at bottom of left page and automatically built sidebar with balanced two column text and tint behind placed at bottom of right page.
QuarkXPress 7
Autopage 8 runs natively with QuarkXPress 7 PPC.
Support For QuarkServer (DDS)
Autopage is available for QuarkServer. Autopage for QuarkServer supports automatic building of table of contents and up to three indexes. A three level index with See, See Also, page ranges and sort-as is supported.
Autopage 5.8 for OS9
Most of the features of Autopage 8 for QuarkXPress 6 and 7 are also available in an updated Autopage 5.8 for earlier versions of QuarkXPress running under OS 9.
Autopage is One of a Kind
Autopage is the only automated page layout XTension for QuarkXPress for producing books, textbooks, directories and yellow pages. It does not require a special viewer XTension to view, edit or print the QuarkXPress documents it creates. It creates easy to edit documents with text boxes linked naturally and spacing adjustments made in the paragraph formats dialog where they are easily accessed and modified whether or not Autopage is loaded. It is compatible with all popular XTensions used in book production for importing tagged text, placing running heads and creating tables and math equations.
KyTek is the leading developer of XTensions that automate the layout of book, directory and yellow pages with QuarkXPress.
KyTek, Inc.
PO Box 338
Weare, NH 03281
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